Information about the article

Title of the article

Features of the Legal Status of a Participant in a Limited Liability Company


Yuliya A. Gartina — Associate Professor, Department of Private and Public Law, Institute of Law, Penza State University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, 40 Krasnaya Street, Penza, 440026, Russia,
 Mariya V. Burkina — Master student, Institute of Law, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya Street, Penza, 440026, Russia,



Year,.Volume, Number 

2021, Vol. 9, № 1 (33)



 Article type 

Original article

 Index UDK 





The article reflects the peculiarities of the legal status of the participants of a limited liability company. The fact that the participants of a limited liability company are not held liable for the obligations of the latter is the primary sign of this legal structure of the business. Participants bear only the risk of losses related to the company's activities. Do not forget that since 2014, when global changes were made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a limited liability company has been identified as a corporation. Commercial corporate organizations, which include limited liability compa-nies, are characterized by the fact that their participants are entitled to participate in the management of their affairs, the main of which is the formation of the supreme management body. The analysis of the norms of the current legislation and the practice of its application allows us to identify the main problems in the issues of the legal status of participants in limited liability companies.


limited liability company, corporation, participant of limited liability company, authorized capital, legal status of the company participant

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For citation

Gartina Yu.A., Burkina M.V. Features of the Legal Status of a Participant in a Limited Liability Company. Electronic scientific journal «Science. Society. State», 2021, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 117-123, available at: DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2021-9-1-15. (In Russian).


Дата создания: 05.05.2022 00:38
Дата обновления: 09.05.2022 15:58